OUR officersThe elected officers shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian. The Immediate Past-President shall serve ex-officio in an assistance and advisory capacity. The elected officers shall comprise the Executive Board Election, Term, and Eligibilitya. Officers shall be elected at the Annual Members Meeting. The Parliamentarian, Secretary, and Treasurer shall serve a two (2) year term, and the President-Elect shall serve a three (3) year term (first year as President-Elect, second year as President, and third year as Immediate Past President). The terms commence on the date of their installation at the Annual Members Meeting and ending on the date of their replacement’s installation, unless an officer resigns or is removed from office as provided below. The members shall elect (i) the Parliamentarian, and Secretary in even-numbered years and (ii) the President-Elect and Treasurer in odd-numbered years. i. In the Inaugural 2020 election the Vice President and Treasurer will be elected to one-year, then will follow the schedule as stated in Article 4, Section 2, subparagraph a. b. To be eligible as an elected officer of MAP, a person must be a professional staff member of a McNair Project (as determined by the director of such staff member’s McNair Project) and a member for at least two (2) years prior to the first day of the officer’s elected term of office, except in the inaugural 2020 and 2021 elections. Once the two-year membership requirement has initially been met, subsequent breaks in membership service will not require that additional two-year membership periods be met in order to be eligible for election. No person may hold more than one (1) office at a time. c. All eligible members in attendance at the Annual Members Meeting may cast their votes for officers before or during the Annual Members Meeting, while those not attending may cast their votes through absentee ballot. |
KimRosfeld, Ph.D.SOUTHERN NAZARENE UNIVERSITY President | Jeremy Bloss, M.P.A.UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI Vice President | ![]() Steven Fernandez, M.A.Baylor UniversityPAST President |
Susan Ott, Ph.D.UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO Treasurer | ![]() Pamela Nevar, Ph.D.Central Washington universityParliamentarian | kari azevedo, Ph.D.UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL MISSOURI SECRETARY |