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Governance and Nominating

 This committee is co-chaired by the Parliamentarian and another MAP member appointed by the President. The committee will focus on creating, updating, and enforcing the organization’s constitution and by-laws. The committee identifies and actively recruits MAP members to run for the various MAP offices. This committee will send out materials throughout the year to encourage the members to participate in the election process and to notify the members of the availability of particular offices for election at the next Annual Members Meeting. This committee also seeks nominations for available offices from the members and presents as a slate of candidates for election at the Annual Members Meeting those nominees who have agreed to serve if elected. 15 Constitution and By-Laws of the McNair Association of Professionals. The Governance, Nominations, and Elections Committee shall be responsible for monitoring and tallying the ballots, and following the Nominations/Elections Procedures section within the constitution.

For more information please visit our constitution by laws



Journal: McNair.Map.Journal@gmail.com

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